
Welcome to Benito Province!

Benvenescu àl Provinçù Benito!

(Formerly known as Mussolini Province)

Hey. Don’t be scared by our name. We’re actually one of the nicest and friendliest provinces in Talossa! For example, we were the first province to put a map of our province on the Internet. Would you expect that from a province that wasn’t nice? Of course you wouldn’t. Would you? You sure wouldn’t. You better not. We mean it. You really better not. Seriously.

Benito has a bicameral legislature, the legislative chancellery, consisting of the directly elected assembly, and the unelected senate.

The head of government in Benito is titled Maestro.

King John is represented in Benito by the Vicere (Cunstaval).

Read more about Benito on TalossaWiki!