TalossaFest 2003

An archive of details from various TalossaFests held in the Kingdom of Talossa

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Date: 12 July 2003
Location: “Lytheria”, a rooming house long inhabited by former Prime Minister Gary Cone.
Attended: Gödafrïeu Válcadác’h, Tomás Gariçéir, Gary Schwichtenberg, John Eiffler, Robert Ben Madison, Ián von Metáiriâ, Andy Lowry, Lisa Skovalia, Amy Durnford, and Chris Gruber
Phoned In: Marti-Pair Furxheir and the Mystery Canadian Who Must Not Be Named.
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Featured Events and Notable Happenings:

10:30 AM-12:30 PM “The Nissan Tour of Talossa” guided by King Robert and Senator Justice Verbotten.
12:30-2:30 PM Delegates and Guest are free to arrive at Lytheria and mingle with their fellow Talossans, soon to be Talossans, and anyone else attending.
2:30-3:00 The Royal Welcome to TalossaFest by King Robert
3:00-6:00 The Living Cosa
6:00- whenever Open discussion of any past, present, or future business concerning the Kingdom. (will be continuous throughout evening, but this is a formal time to discuss these issues)
7:00-8:00 Dinner We will have full run of the kitchen and access to the barbecue grills at Lytheria, so anyone interested in grilling out, or preparing food will have the ability to do so. Otherwise we will probably be ordering food from a local sub shop or pizza parlor. I plan to bring some chili for the masses.
8:00-9:00 JJ’s Music Contest
9:00 Wrap up and whatever

TalossaFest Speech to the Nation
delivered in-person at TalossaFest held at Lytheria on 12 July, 2003
by then-Seneschál Gödafrïeu Válcadác’h

Azul, my fellow Talossans:My thanks, one and all, go to all of you TalossaFest attendees not only from the far reaches of the United States of America, but from the innards of the City of Milwaukee and the Kingdom of Talossa itself for making the great effort and taking time from your lives to be here. Talossa has been a labor of love for all of us, and today is one more of these annual celebrations of the spirit, energy, and enthusiasm which are, always have been, and always will be at the heart of who we are as Talossans.

My special greetings go to Brook Gläfke who was able to fit TalossaFest into the workings of a tight travel schedule. Brook, our chats by way of telephone have been great; it’s been wonderful being able to talk with you. They also go to Tomás Gariçéir, that wonderful Talossanophile who has done as much as anyone save Ben in the furtherance of our gleph Talossán, our most substantive (to the outside world at least) part of our unique culture and ancient history.

Special greetings need to go out to someone whose Talossan enthusiasm seems to outdo even mine at times: Andrew Lowry, a newly-minted citizen who, in his first year as a citizen, has come to be with us here at TalossaFest. What a treat it is to have you here, even if my keyboard for you to play unfortunately could not follow suit.

Special greetings go to both Gary Schwichtenberg and Wes Erni. Gary has had much going on in his non-Talossan life recently, and a funky work schedule has kept Wes from being with us today. Special greetings go also to all of you out there in the far reaches of the U. S. and the globe who cannot be here with us at Lytheria. While you are unable to be here physically, in spirit your presence is very much felt.

And last but not least I give special greets to Chris Gruber, aka Grubi, one of Talossa’s greatest Prime Ministers and his significant other, Lisa Skovalia, who shall be the first prospective to become naturalized in person in many a year.

I know I speak for the esteemed Gary Cone and His Majesty, the King in extending to all of you a warm and hearty welcome to Lytheria, the City of Milwaukee, the State of Wisconsin, el Regipäts Talossán, and TalossaFest 2003!

Three years ago, Talossa was a divided country. Two years ago, Talossa had, for better or worse depending on your point of view, found itself suddenly calmed as our nationette was, at the same time, heading, unbeknownst to all, toward her darkest and yet her finest hour. One year ago, there was glorious chaos of a different sort. Three years ago, we held our last Living Cosâ.

Today, we come full-circle.

Today is a historic moment which shall not only see the vote on a referendum which will change the face of Talossan politics but which shall also see, for the first time since the dawn of the cybercit era, the naturalization of a prospective with said prospective physically present for the vote. Additionally and for the first time since the beginning of the cybercit age, the Prime Minister, the Monarch, the Speaker of the Cosâ, the Mençéi, and the Right Honourable Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition are physically present and in the same room at the same time together along with a Justice of the Uppermost Cort. Present also are most of, if not all, the Members of the Ziu, either in person or by proxy. Such a gathering, especially in this most noble of places, Lytheria, has not happened since the most-recent Living Cosâ three years ago.

This will be a day long remembered: the day which saw a Living Cosâ discuss questions of the glorious future of our nationette in the presence of Christopher C. Gruber, one of our greatest Prime Ministers and most enthusiastic citizens, this being the first time he has been on the ancient and sacred soil of our Kingdom since he ate at a McDonald’s in what is now Maritiimi-Maxhestic in 1978.

This will be a day long remembered: the day when, for the first time ever, a prospective, Lisa Skovalia, will become naturalized without the Founder of Talossa having anything whatsoever to do with the process other than voting on it in the Ziu.

This will be a day long remembered for the presence of Andrew Lowry, a Maricopan from Maricopa who is also a Maricopan from Maricopa with the license plate to match.

This will be a day long remembered: the day which saw yet another haxh by Tomás Gariçéir, a person who has done more for our glorious gleph than any other.

This will be a day long remembered for still yet another haxh to Talossa by the esteemed Brook Gläfke.

This will be a day long remembered: a day which saw the Prime Minister, at long last, deliver his administrative vision to the nation in full detail, a vision which shall bring order to our chaos.

This will be a day long remembered: a day which has seen the destruction of Apathy, the exorcism of boredom, and the beginning of a new era in our Regipäts Talossán!

Vote well.

Gödafrïeu Válcadác’h
Seneschál del Regipäts Talossán


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