Maricopa welcomes you!
What with us bumped up against the gentle flow of the river (see map), here in Maricopa, we boast of having the best climate in the Kingdom.
A visit to our fair province will convince you too: the weather is nicer in Maricopa than anywhere else in Talossa. I mean, we don’t want to make the other provinces feel bad or anything, but hey, you can’t argue with Mother Nature, and she has blessed Maricopa. Except when it rains or snows or something, but at least when it doesn’t, we get some pretty good weather here. You really should come see.
We are also the home of Talossa’s own boys of summer, the Maricopa Brewers. Maybe that’s because our summertime weather is so nice.
Maricopa consists of four cantons:
- Taglheiria (pronounced [tɐˈʎeʲɾjɐ], English: Schneideria) – the northernmost Canton of Maricopa, bordered on the south by Brady Street and Holton Street.
- Zuerieiria (pronounced [zu̯eˌrˈi̯ejɾjɐ], English: Murphysboro) – bordered by Brady Avenue to the north, Juneau Avenue to the south, Van Buren Street to the west, and Astor Street to the east.
- Sandadia (pronounced [ˌsɐnˈdaðjɐ], English: Prachelion) – bordered to the south by Juneau Avenue, to the east by Van Buren Street, and to the northwest by the River.
- Ovestia (pronounced [ˌoˈvestjɐ], English: Wesernia) – bordered on the north by Brady Street, to the south by Juneau Avenue, and to the east by Highway 32.
Maricopa is represented in the Senate by El Domnul-Senätsesc.
The head of government is the premieir, who is elected by the Maricopan provincial assembly, the Cabana.
The King is represented in Maricopa by the Governadeir-Xheneral (Cunstaval).
You can find more about Maricopan law here.
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