Immigration Application

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Immigration Application

    Names and Aliases

    Please provide us with your full and legal name. This is the name that you would have printed on official documents like driving licences, passports and ID cards. This field is required.

    Sometimes people go about in daily life with a name that is different than their actual legal name. Examples of this would be deed-poll name changes, married or divorced surnames, transgender name changes, nicknames, and professional aliases such as a pen name. It is fine to be known in Talossa with such names. If you answer this question then the name provided here will be displayed in your profile rather than your legal name, but we still require your full legal name above for our records.

    This information is optional, but it would be useful to answer it if you want to connect with other Talossan citizens outside of Talossa (for example, on gaming services such as Playstation Network or XBox Live or on social media sites such as Instagram or Twitter).

    Personal Details

    You can only apply for citizenship if you are aged 14 years or older.

    This helps Talossans know how to address you.

    Contact Details

    Please provide details about where you currently reside. Your mailing address (except for the city) will be kept confidential, but is required information. Your city will be displayed in your profile and this information is used to determine which Talossan province you will be assigned to. (If you are under the age of 18, you may choose to provide your city and country only).

    This information is optional.

    Supporting Statements

    This essay is perhaps the most critical element of your immigration application and will be published on your profile as part of your introduction to other citizens. You must show in this essay that you understand what Talossa is and what being a citizen means.

    PoliticsCivil serviceEl glheþ talossan / the Talossan languageHeraldrySports

    Answering this question will help Talossans give you advice on how to get involved in Talossan life, if you become a citizen.

    This is to help Talossans get to know you better. The information you provide here will be displayed on your profile.

    Micronational History

    This information is required.

    Please include all past and present experience, memberships and citizenships.

    Social Media & Verification

    By selecting "YES" you are agreeing to the Bureau of Immigration carrying out an identity check against your social media accounts. The social media profiles that you provide in this section will not be stored or shared without your permission.

    Please provide a link to a social media profile. The profile must be in the same name as the "full and legal name" provided earlier in this application. The social media account must not be brand new.

    Please provide a link to a social media profile. The profile must be in the same name as the "full and legal name" provided earlier in this application. The social media account must not be brand new.

    If you answer "YES" to this question then links provided shall be posted on your application profile where other Talossan citizens can view them. This is optional, but it does allow for other Talossans to add you to their friends lists and connect with you. The application profile can only be viewed by existing citizens and is not seen by the wider internet public and will not be able to appear in search engine results.

    Declaration and Submission