Avocatür Naziunal da Talossa
The National Bar of Talossa
The National Bar of Talossa (Avocatür Naziunal da Talossa), formerly the Royal Talossan Bar, is a mandatory (integrated) bar that supervises the practice of law in Talossa. Any person wishing to practise law as a barrister, solicitor, lawyer, or attorney must be a member of the National Bar of Talossa, and the Bar is in charge of legal education and certification.
About the National Bar of Talossa
The National Bar of Talossa (often referred by its former acronym RTB) is a mandatory (integrated) bar and a voluntary legal association of Talossan Lawyers (sorry to disappoint those that thought the was the other “bar”) that was established by the The Talossan Bar Act (32RZ11). Prior to this Act, the practice of law was largely unregulated and citizens of Talossa in need of legal services had no assurance that the lawyers they hired had had even minimum legal training or any legal training at all. To address this situation, the Ziu passed the Talossan Bar Act to make it mandatory for “any person wishing to practise law as a barrister, solicitor, lawyer, or attorney” to be a member of the National Bar of Talossa. Therefore, lawyers (or any legal professionals) are required to join the bar in order to practice law in a Talossan Court.
The National Bar of Talossa was last reformed in 2018 by The Bar Reformation Act (51RZ17).
The use of the term “bar” to mean “the whole body of lawyers, the legal profession” comes ultimately from English custom. In the early 16th century, a railing divided the hall in the Inns of Court, with students occupying the body of the hall and readers or Benchers on the other side. Students who officially became lawyers crossed the symbolic physical barrier and were “admitted to the bar”. Later, this was popularly assumed to mean the wooden railing marking off the area around the judge’s seat in a courtroom, where prisoners stood for arraignment and where a barrister stood to plead. In modern courtrooms, a railing may still be in place to enclose the space which is occupied by legal counsel as well as the criminal defendants and civil litigants who have business pending before the court.
Aims and objectives
The National Bar of Talossa aims:
- To provide its clients, through our members, with a high level of expertise in all areas of law and skilled advocacy (pleading a case) by people of integrity and independence.
- To represent the legal profession at the national level,
- To speak on behalf of our members on national issues affecting the legal profession
- To promote the administration of justice, access to justice and general improvement of the law.
- To seek to ensure that the benefits of the administration of justice are reasonably and equally available to all members and citizens of the Kingdom.
- To promote fair and honourable practice amongst Lawyers and to suppress, discourage and prevent malpractice and professional misconduct.
- To inquire into questions as to professional conduct and etiquette of Lawyers
Duties of Members
- Duty to the court – Lawyers have an overriding duty to the court to act with independence, to act in the interests of justice and to ensure that, in the public interest, the proper and efficient administration of justice is achieved. By way of example, if a client wants a lawyer to lie to the court, or to mislead the court, or to hold back damaging documents which the court has ordered to be produced, the lawyer is obliged not to do this under any circumstances.
- Duty to promote the client’s interests – Subject only to their paramount duty to the Court and the administration of justice, lawyers must promote and protect fearlessly and by all proper and lawful means the best interests of the client they represent.
- Duty of independence – Every lawyer is completely independent. He or she is not in partnership with anybody, will not do a case if he or she has any conflict of interest and is free of any control by the Government or any outside organisation as to how he or she advises and represents you. Ensuring lawyers are and remain independent has always been a key aspect of client protection, the defence of individual rights against the State and the administration of justice.
- Duty to represent a client irrespective of the lawyer’s private views -A lawyer cannot refuse to take on a case in the field in which he or she practices simply because he does not like the client or his beliefs or on the basis of any opinion which the lawyer may have formed as to the character, reputation, conduct, guilt or innocence of the client or the political, religious or other cause the client may be promoting. Every client has a right of access to the courts and to the administration of justice. Every client has a right to be represented by a lawyer who. Lawyers can not pick and choose which types of clients they act for if the work is within their area of expertise. Like a taxi offered a fare, the lawyer has to take the passenger (i.e. the client) if he or she is free. The purpose of this rule is to give every client, as far as possible, an equal right of access to lawyer and to legal representation in court.
Chancellor of the National Bar
The National Bar of Talossa, headed and managed by the Chancellor of the Royal Talossan Bar, who is chosen by the Senäts with a majority vote, to serve the people of Talossa as the top legal mind, separate from the political structure. S/He has powers to approve or remove Bar candidates or its members to the Royal Talossan Bar along with overseeing the running and internal administration of the Royal Talossan Bar.
The Royal Law Academy
The Royal Law Academy is a branch of National Bar of Talossa was established by Talossan Statute 43RZ9 and charged with the education and training of citizens in the field of Talossan Law and any other subject or field necessary to the properly equip students in the practise to the highest professional standard required from them.
The Academy is the sole educational institute in Talossa charged with the education of Law and the education of Trainee Lawyers and/or Barristers and/or Solicitors in Talossan Law.
The Academy also has exclusive and inalienable rights to confer Diplomas, Degrees, be they Bachelor or Masters and Doctorates in Talossan Law. Persons who complete a course in The Academy and reach the course’s pass requirements, shall be entitled to bear the initials, Dip.T.L and/or B.T.L and/or M.T.L and/or D.T.L and/or PhD.T.L, as applicable to courses s/he has passed and awards conferred upon him/her.