La C’hronică  – May/June 2024

La C’hronică  –May/June 2024

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Government News

  • June 2024 General Election Polling Station
    Read everything about the June election presented by the Secretary of State.
    See everything here!

Provincial News

Culture News

  • Talossan Music Top 20: 10th Anniversary Extravaganza ends!
    It’s settled. These are the best 20 songs ever. Look at the results here.
  • Calondă Gun: Twentieth anniversary of the Talossan Revolution.
    The 20th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Talossa was commemorated.
  • 3rd El Pretz Per Tomas Prize Winner.
    The winner of the Poetry Prize is Ián Tamorán S. H. For his poem, Avançamantisch.
  • Updates on the Talossan Pannapictagraphist Society.
    New comics, new subjects.
  • CENTRASEIRĂ – Episode 3: Better late than never.
    Listen to Sir Lüc and Glüc talk  about politics, the Talossan Cycling Association Tour and the Talossan Music Top 20!
  • Talossa24
    A new Youtube channel working as a talossan media just opened up.
  • Even more Euro-style Talossan plates.
    Euro-style Talossan plates for everybody.

Immigration News

We welcome 2 new citizens :

  • Chelsea Inthavong.
  • Dien Xhorxh.

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