La C´hronicǎ Guscht XLIV / August 2023

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Government News
- Seneschal Visit to Buenos Aires
The Seneschal took a visit to the sunny city of Buenos Aires! Thankfully(?) the coupe ended up not happening, so the Seneschal was able to return to a peaceful Kingdom without fear of being taken into custody.
Wittenberg thread - Scribery opening — want to help out?
If you would like to help out with scriberous duties, the Ministrà dal Xhusticiă is looking for a Deputy Scribe!
Wittenberg thread - Seneschál announces awarding of Prime Minister’s Patriotic Award
A hearty congratulations to Bråneu Excelsio who is the recipient of the Prime Minister’s Patriotic Award for directly increasing the Kingdom’s Talossanity!
Wittenberg thread - 58th Cosa Dissolved
As is custom, King John I issued His Writ of Dissolution for the 58th Cosa before elections begin for the next Cosa.
Wittenberg thread - Preparations for 59th General Election
It’s already that time again! Preparations are already getting up and running for the next (59th) Cosa!
Wittenberg thread - Pedaling for a Cause
Back in Mai Ministreu Excelsio ran a campaign (biked a campaign?) to raise money for the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women. He said he would ride his bicycle around Fundida Park for those who donated and he has now delivered! Check out all the glory in this video on Youtube
Wittenberg thread - New Legislation Passed in Seventh Clark
Two bills were passed into law during the Guscht Clark:- RZ25: The Cort Bookkeeping Act: Wittenberg thread
- RZ26: The James “Jimmy” Letherer Memorial Civil Rights Day: Wittenberg thread
- RZ25: The Cort Bookkeeping Act: Wittenberg thread
Culture News
- August 2023 Euro-Haxh to Cézembre!
The August 2023 Euro-Haxh to Cézembre was a success! Checkout the Wittenberg link for lots of info and useful links! There is also an expedition report on Youtube
Wittenberg thread - Talossan Pannapictagraphist Society
Things are heating up in the Talossan Pannapictagraphist Society discussion! If you have an interest in any or all things comic books, you should come join the club!
Wittenberg thread - Talossan Embassy established in Mexico?
The application for the establishment of an embassy in Mexico was filed with the current Ministreu dels Afaes Útphätseschti, which was summarily rejected by the Minister. However, after at least 80 minutes of backlash, the MinFOR decided to take up the application for reconsideration.
Wittenberg thread - Mximo to the Max!
There were several public announcements made by Mximo surrounding his run for Florencian Senator.
See his senatorial run announcement: Wittenberg thread
Mximo explains why he loves Talossa (and you should too): Wittenberg thread
Finally, Mximo makes a pledge to Talossa: Wittenberg thread - Maricopan Poker Tournament 2023
Another congratulations is due to Bråneu Excelsio for winning the fourth annual Maricopan Poker Tournament! The C3PO trophy is still MIA though… so if you have any tips on its whereabouts we will pay you in high praise!
Wittenberg thread - Favorite Holiday?
A prospective citaxhién started up a conversation surveying Talossan’s favorite holidays! If you haven’t already, come join the discussion!
Wittenberg thread - TCA Strava Group
A Talossan Strava group has been created: Talossa Desports C’hlub. The C’hlub has also started a challenge: “draw the nicest, biggest or funniest red-line picture on Strava’s map while walking, running or biking”
Check out the Witt thread to join the fun!
Wittenberg thread - Peculiarism vs Derivatism 2023 Epic Thread
The discussion continues this month on what exactly “peculiarism” and “derivatism” means and whether Talossa is, or should be, one or the other!
Wittenberg thread - 2023 Talossan Cycling Association Tour
The Tour de France leg of TCAT 2023 has wrapped up and leg 3 Espain has begun with a splash!(or with a <insert bicycle pun that I can’t think of at the moment> )
Leg 2 Tour de France wrap up: Wittenberg thread
Leg 3 Espain: Wittenberg thread - Talossan Hospitality Network Continues to Grow!
More Talossans are adding their names and cities of residence to the Talossan Hospitality Network! If you are willing to meet up with traveling Talossans passing through your area, don’t hesitate to add your name to the list!
Wittenberg thread - 2023 Talossan Football League
Not to be confused with Talossan Futbol, the 2023 Talossan Football League is Talossa’s one stop shop for fantasy football (of the American persuasion) so come have a ball!
Wittenberg thread - 2023 Talossan Music Top 20 [Round 3 Voting]
The 2023 TMT20 continues with round 3 of voting, so clear out your ear-holes and come vote for your favorites! Who knows, you may even discover some new favorites!
Wittenberg thread
Immigration News
During Guscht XLIV we received 12 immigration applications from:
- Willow Clarke
- Robson Luiz Matiussi Junior
- Asa Ward
- Terpugov Kirill Andreevich
- Unnikrishnan Parangath
- Valliammai Krishnan Parandhaman
- Tadana Kastom
- Antonio José Torres Fuster
- Kevin W. Puls
- Ivan Mollov
- Marden O’Hara
- Shay Achern
And we welcome 2 new citaxhiéns: Zacrïeu Sverdeu and Ian Feliceu